Monday, July 11, 2011

Beach Boy's "Pet Sounds"

The 1966 album "Pet Sounds" by the Beach Boys is recognized as one of the most important and influential pop albums in recording history. The Beach Boys started their rise to fame with catchy surf rock tunes with complicated harmonies. "Pet Sounds" was their eleventh studio album and is recognized as a strong critical success. Brian Wilson, the main composer and arranger for the band, was able to craft and capture unique sounds and really push the boundaries on what studio recording had accomplished. Brian's influences and friendly rivalry with the Beatles helped fuel his drive to record Pet Sounds. His admiration for Phil Spector was evident in his detailed studio work and experimentation. The recording of "Pet Sounds" was a very unique and time consuming process. Brian Wilson used some influences from his mentor, Phil Spector, in the recording process and focused on using the studio as an instrument itself. Backing tracks and unique instruments were mixed by Wilson as they were recorded. So much planning was necessary when tracking with 8 track recorders, and this album shows how far that planning can take an album. "Pet Sounds" was not an immediate commercial success but with time it has been recognized for it's impressive innovations in what studio recording was capable of. The Beach Boys are unique to me in the sense that they had a band member that worked in the studio and wrote music, whether or not the band was on tour. This dedication to song writing and studio experimentation led to the memorable style and arrangement of "Pet Sounds." Listening to this album, the first thing I recognize is the wide array of instruments used. It's almost impossible to tell by ear all the different instruments but the final product does not come off over produced. Each of these instruments and recordings fit nicely together and create a truly memorable album. It always impresses me when a band or album can come around and have such a unique sound but still appeal to so many people, and the Beach Boys are a perfect example of this event.

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